Students in PreK-2 checkout any book on a Mockingbird List (Current or Past).
Students in 3rd- 5th checkout any book on the Bluebonnet List (Current or Past).
Students in 6th-8th checkout any book on the Lone Star List (Current or Past).
Students in 9th-12th checkout any book on the Tayshas List (Current or Past).
Staff checkout any book from one of the lists above.
Make your own adventures by checking things off your bucket list! Does your bucket list include visiting a museum, restaurant, or park? Or maybe visiting someplace new? Share the top five things on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish this summer below. Go forward and adventure!
In this mission, you'll explore how to customize your eBooks in SORA.
Did you know you could change the font and lighting in SORA?
Check out this video to see how!
There are hidden surprises within the Great Barrier Reef fun page (look at the Fun Stuff! page). Click around the ThingLink and explore to locate four live links that lead to something fun. Then tell us what you found to complete this mission, earn 10 extra points, and a special badge.
Do something nice and show kindness to others! These activities are great ways to show your generosity.
Both branches of the Mesquite Public Library and the Balch Springs Public Library are having kick-off parties for their summer reading programs. To earn points and a badge for this mission, complete the activities listed.
Small gestures make the most difference on a daily basis. It's easy to get so preoccupied with our own lives that we forget about others, but with just one simple act of kindness, we can change the way someone else's day goes, and we can better ourselves and the world in the process. This challenge is designed for you to take the time to do something for someone else — and hopefully they will pay it forward to the next person!
Share what you're reading! You can earn this badge in a couple of ways.
1. Read aloud to someone for at least 20 minutes - a little sibling, cousin, niece/nephew, neighbor, pet. Share a picture of you and your listener.
Record a video about a book you read this summer to Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Share the link with us.
That's it!
Do you know what SORA is? It's our digital library that you can access through the portal. You can also download the app on your mobile device.
Learn more about SORA and earn a badge by completing these tasks -
1. Check out an ebook.
2. Check out an audiobook.
3. Check out a magazine.
To earn the Self Care Badge, answer the 3 questions about what you do for self care.
Self care restores health to the mind, body, and soul.
Stretch yourself as a reader by reading one thing this summer that is outside your comfort zone. Maybe it is a new genre you haven't read before. You might read about a topic that is controversial and find material that addresses both sides of the controversy. Try reading a book with a character who doesn't look like you or have a similar lifestyle. Reading about people, places, and events in different parts of the world opens windows into the lives of others and helps us grow as adults.
Visit the Read, Play, Talk Bus at one of these dates and locations: